Add a bit of joy and perspective to your practice of healthcare with this humanities-inspired podcast that focuses the lens of art and literature to find fresh views on wellness and illness. Christopher Schifeling, a geriatric and palliative care physician and poet, shares immersive readings and viewings of artwork with a dose of humor. Enriching for any and everyone in healthcare: physicians, nurses, therapists, social workers, pharmacists, first responders, patients, etcetera.
Podcasting since 2021 • 46 episodes
Latest Episodes
E45 Long Neglect Has Worn Away by Emily Bronte
E45 Long Neglect Has Worn Away by Emily Bronte Description: An immersive reading of Long Neglect Has Worn Away by Emily Bronte with reflection on transience and permeance, tuberculosis and facial maladies. We...
E44 Tanka and Haiku by Sadakichi Hartmann
Description: An immersive reading of Tanka and Haiku by Sadakichi Hartmann with reflection on tanka, haiku, and aging. Website:
E43 A Prayer to the Ashvins by Ghosha
Description: An immersive reading of A Prayer to the Asvins by Ghosha translated by H. D. Griswold with reflection on physician gods, Gosha, leprosy, praise and gift exchange. Website: